8- Cleaning Suite – Occupied/Stay over Room
8 :
- While entering the occupied room, you need to knock on the door three times to ensure the guest is not inside the room. If the guest is inside the room, ask them politely to leave the room for 45 minutes until you clean the room.
- You should put your cleaning cart in front of the room and do not take it with you inside the room. This also indicates to anyone from outside that this room is under cleaning, and they will not come inside the room.
- Open the room curtains to ensure proper illumination in the room. Turn on all the lights in the room.
- Different garbage bags are used to store bottles and other garbage in the hotels. Remove the garbage from the room and empty bottles. Do not remove bottles that are not completely empty. Put all garbage in your garbage bag. Empty the room dustbin and its garbage bag into your garbage cart and install new garbage bag in the room dustbin. Sanitize the trash can inside and out with sanitizing spray.
- Clean the kitchen garbage and as instructed in previous lessons, collect the used dishes, and put them in the dishwashing machine first and turn the machine on. The dishes will be clean until you finish cleaning the room and you can put them in their designated areas.
- Do not open the fridge in the occupied room. Remember anything that belongs to the guest you do not touch it. Only clean the outside surfaces of the fridge. Do not open the cupboards, just clean the outer surfaces. If microwave was empty, you can open and clean it but if anything was inside, do not open, just clean the outside surface of microwave. Clean the sink and stove area using the cleaning spray and designated cloth.
- Clean the working desk but make sure you do not touch item of the guest on the table. Do not open the drawers, only clean the outside.
- Clean the carpet with the Vacuum cleaner.
- Clean the washroom and bathroom as per instructions provided in previous lessons. Make sure you do not touch or misplace any item that belongs to the guest in the washroom. Leave them where they are.
- Remove the used towels and place the new and clean towels in their designated places.
- Check the bed sheets and if they are not stained, you do not have to change the bedsheet and linen. You should only tidy up the bed and place the pillows, sheets and blankets folded the according to the brand standard.
- Stay over room are also called fresh rooms, some hotels due to going green policy, they give cleaning service to the rooms every 2 to 3 days, you go to room you don’t change any linen but just tidy the room.
- The period that guest stays there is called stayover. When you stay 4 days in a room, that room is announced as stay over.
- Some guests may have their own pillows. If they were staying longer, ask them if they would like their pillowcase to be washed, if they don’t want it to be washed, you will tidy the pillow and place it on the bed.
- And as usual, close the curtains and turn off all the lights before leaving the room.